How I Met Apple Sorbet

If there’s one thing you should know about me, is that I like apple sorbet. One spoonful of it and I am transported to a galaxy where apple is bountiful and time lasts forever. Until the spoonful melts and I am left with lukewarm syrup-like water in my mouth, those darn laws of nature. The heavenly apple sorbet, like many other foods across our diverse planet, was created out of the sheer curiosity of the human mind. “Hmm, I wonder what it would taste like if I pour this into that.” And thus, my friends, we have tasted succulent inventions such as crème brûlée, peanut butter chicken and, yes, even your grandma’s cookies. What a world it would be without them! Curiosity it seems, perpetually lingers close to our hearts, always deciphering ways that something could become more interesting and more divine.

From everyday occurrences such as food to lustrum long projects such as architecture, the human mind is built to discover; and this is where I come in. My name is Ricardo Vazquez and I am an explorer. I have tasted discovery and, once you start, it’s hard to ever stop. During my undergraduate degree in Semiotics at the University of Toronto, I was always looking out for the curious, the sublime, that which is ineffable. I found the answer in the digital realm. In a digital world, one can impact an incredible amount of change yet at the same time constantly discover new technological advances. Ladies and gentlemen, the Internet is my apple sorbet.

I’m excited to let you in on my journey to a planet full of creative masterminds and addictive personalities. I’m also really excited for all the learning opportunities that lie ahead, which I of course will share with you. Surely there will be times of confusion and doubt, but isn’t that what pushes one forward? If there is one thing you should take away from our conversation, is that no matter how comfortable you are with something, always choose to be uncomfortable with it. Why do you think I now love apple sorbet? I would still be stuck with lemon, otherwise.


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I saw him as a superhero. He stood six feet tall, a giant in my 8 year-old eyes. My grandfather was the type of man who would stand with dignity, he was the type of man who would instill courage in you just by staring into his eyes. My... Continue →